WordPress developer.
Creative gun-for-hire.Designer and developer from Portland, Oregon.
Problem solver and creative strategist since 1998.Clean code from
the ground up.Best practices in front-end web development, utilizing HTML, PHP, CSS, and JavaScript.
Hundreds of custom website projects, hand-coded with love.Professional extinguisher
of digital fires.Website maintenance, troubleshooting, and bug squashing.
Keeping user experiences and code safe and sound.
Hello, Joe Mendonca here. I build custom website projects.
Joe Mendonca,
Front-end Web Developer
I keyboard plodded my first lines of HTML as a 90s adolescent. Since 1999, I have built hundreds of websites. In addition, I have worn the hats of graphic artist, brand strategist, wire frame and UX/UI designer, social media consultant, and done my share of SEO campaigns. Many a time, I have been brought in as a hired hand for creative agencies. This has included the role of lead developer for some of these agencies. For the past eight years, I have operated in this role for design firm The Felt Hat.
My primary focus is building custom WordPress projects from the ground up. To date, I have deployed over 300 such websites. I specialize in HTML, PHP, CSS, and JavaScript. Keeping things practical, utilizing the appropriate modern tools as necessary, is my methodology. I do not use themes and keep projects lean and cleanly coded. I also assist in repairing broken and hacked websites and plugins. All of my work is extensively tested for cross browser compatibility, and thumb swiping on your favorite mobile device is examined upside down. Proof your work, people.
What lasts for the long haul is how you communicate and backing that up with reliability. When a website is hacked. When you’re facing a prospective client and they need experienced answers. Or even when that mysterious bug needs to be squashed. These are the realities that come with web development. Reliable communication and transparency in my abilities are my preferred approach. I like to be the go to for these things.
My goal is to maintain long term partnerships with fellow designers, coders, and businesses of all sizes.
- WordPress development
- Custom themes and plugins
- Website repair and recovery
- Routine website maintenance
- Graphic design
- SEO consultation
- Social media